Homesick…. To be or not to be.

I find myself in an unfamiliar place with new people, work space and life in general. I did as much research as possible before coming to make sure it was a good fit for my lifestyle. It’s early in the game, so I am not sure if I am homesick or not. 

This also leads me to the question of what place would I miss? Is it Arizona? That’s where the majority of my girlfriends reside, I owned a home there, community ,church  and sorority involvement, attended graduate school and had a great career and colleagues that I left behind. It surely can’t be York, SC. While I miss my family, it’s difficult to visualize it as home because I left there at 17 years old.  I knew York was not a place that I could advance professionally or personally. Arizona made me grow up and become a mature, responsible adult. I had my share of battles and lessons in The Grand Canyon State.

What is home for you? Is it the place that you were born? The city grew up in? The state you attended college? So many questions and too little answers.

Maybe home is where you create a family made of relationships, memories, experiences and physical items. One way that I create home is scents. So during my shopping excursion I found Bath and Body Works. I purchased some plugins and candles. Now every time I enter my apartment the smell makes me feel like I am home.

I love Gwyneth Paltrow’s song  “Coming Home” from the movie Country Strong (that’s my country music fan sneaking out).  Take the time to listen to the song and reflect on your home.  

Pictures top to bottom- My home in Arizona, York and Qatar.




13 thoughts on “Homesick…. To be or not to be.

  1. That is a great question! Well put ! I say RH is home..sometimes I also identify with York, and feel very much at home when I’m in Columbia as well…based on college experience and friends that are still living there…


  2. I love the first part so far so good I enjoyed reading it can’t wait to read the rest it has to be to be continued you know you were a lot LOL it’s awesome and I’m going to listen to that song that you post.


  3. Since my husband is retired military and I moved 5 times just in the first year before I turned 20, this is a hard question. I usually say Indiana is home only because most of my siblings live there and I visit most every summer. I lived in Pennsylvania most of my children’s lives so for them it is home. For me, I have lived in Arizona the longest so I guess since my children are here, this is my home now. My grandchildren are all here also..


  4. Home is where your heart is… My home and heart is where my son and his family dwell. My hometown where I lived (but isn’t home) is where I grew up as a child/youth. But in reality home is where you are now until you reach your final heavenly home.


  5. I enjoy reading about your travels! So glad to see and read more. For me home is where my heart is, my heart is in NC with his dad and the rest of my family. I go visit every year at least twice and I still think of Winston as my home base no matter where I live.


  6. I am so happy that you are happy! Making this new place your home. You my dearest friend will do amazing things and see amazing places. Thank you for creating this wonderful blog so we can all follow you on your adventures. AZ has to always be a stopping place when you are back in the USA. Because I am here and I need to see my Ranata Girl!! Three Amigas for life!! Xoxo
    Oh and that Mearl guy next to me says “what’s up” ..


  7. Home is where ever you make it! I’m also partial to scents, so I love that you found a Bath and Body Works and bought some familiar scents!


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